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Medieval and early modern murder : legal, literary and historical contexts
ISBN: 9781783273119 1783273119 9781787442764 1787442764 Year: 2018 Publisher: Suffolk : Boydell & Brewer,

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Murder - the perpetrators, victims, methods and motives - has been the subject of law, literature, chronicles and religion, often crossing genres and disciplines and employing multiple modes of expression and interpretation. As the chapters in this volume demonstrate, definitions of murder, manslaughter and justified or unjustified homicide depend largely on the legal terminology and the laws of the society. Much like modern nations, medieval societies treated murder and murderers differently based on their social standing, the social standing of the victim, their gender, their mental capacity for understanding their crime, and intent, motive and means. The three parts of this volume explore different aspects of this crime in the Middle Ages. The first provides the legal template for reading cases of murder in a variety of sources. The second examines the public hermeneutics of murder, especially the ways in which medieval societies interpreted and contextualised their textual traditions: Icelandic sagas, Old French fabliaux, Arthuriana and accounts of assassination. Finally, the third part focuses on the effects of murder within the community: murder as a social ill, especially in killing kin. Larissa Tracy is Professor of Medieval Literature at Longwood University. Contributors: Dianne Berg, G. Koolemans Beynen, Dwayne C. Coleman, Jeffrey Doolittle, Carmel Ferragud, Jay Paul Gates, Thomas Gobbitt, Emily J. Hutchison, Jolanta N. Komornicka, Anne Latowsky, Matthew Lubin, Andrew McKenzie-McHarg, Ben Parsons, Ilse Schweitzer VanDonkelaar, Hannah Skoda, Bridgette Slavin, Larissa Tracy, Patricia Turning, Lucas Wood

Een vreedzame revolutie
ISBN: 9789400010000 9400010001 Year: 2018 Publisher: Mortsel Intersentia

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De wetenschappelijke en publieke discussie over de politiële en justitiële samenwerking in de Europese Unie is al te zeer toegespitst op bepaalde vormen van samenwerking en wordt te vaak gevoerd aan de hand van concrete voorvallen. Hierdoor bestaat er geen goed zicht op wat er in de voorbije 25 jaar ? sinds november 1993, de maand waarin het Verdrag van Maastricht in werking trad ? op dit terrein werd gerealiseerd. Afgezet tegen de onsamenhangende en grotendeels geheime manier waarop vóór 1993 door politie en justitie in Europa werd samengewerkt, kan de georganiseerde en transparante manier waarop dit tegenwoordig in het kader van de Europese Unie gebeurt, revolutionair worden genoemd.00In dit boek wordt deze vreedzame revolutie behandeld in functie van de actieprogramma?s (het Brussels Programma, het Tampere Programma, het Haags Programma en het Stockholm Programma) die bij alle belangrijke wijzigingen van de constitutionele verhoudingen in de Europese Unie werden geformuleerd: het Verdrag van Maastricht, het Verdrag van Amsterdam, het Verdrag van Nice, het Verdrag van Rome en het Verdrag van Lissabon.


European law --- Criminal law. Criminal procedure --- European Union --- PXL-Business 2020 --- Europese wetgeving --- Entraide judiciaire européenne. --- BPB1901 --- Union européenne --- Droit pénal --- Police --- europa --- schengen --- veiligheidsbeleid --- douaneverdragen --- justitie --- brexit --- geschiedenis --- fraude --- terrorisme --- frontières --- olaf --- 343.9 --- 341.4 --- 341.4 Internationaal en volkenrechtelijk strafrecht --- Internationaal en volkenrechtelijk strafrecht --- 343.9 Criminologie --(algemeen) --- Criminologie --(algemeen) --- policja --- police --- pulizija --- politie --- полиция --- policie --- rendőrség --- polícia --- αστυνομία --- poliție --- polici --- politsei --- poliisi --- politi --- Polizei --- policija --- полиција --- polizia --- policía --- polis --- national police --- πυροσβεστικό σώμα --- Policie České republiky --- police nationale --- policajac --- štátna polícia --- apparato di polizia --- kansallinen poliisi --- policía nacional --- policejní sbor --- rijkspolitie --- policijski službenik --- polícia nacional --- polizia nazionale --- forze di pubblica sicurezza --- polici kombëtare --- cuerpos de seguridad del Estado --- nationalt politi --- nationell poliskår --- riiklik politsei --- αστυνομία πόλεων --- Bundespolizei --- nacionalinė policija --- nemzeti rendőrség --- pořádkové síly --- forze dell'ordine --- organi di sicurezza dello Stato --- Cuerpo Nacional de Policía --- nationell polis --- χωροφυλακή --- policie státu --- σώματα ασφαλείας --- szövetségi rendőrség --- δυνάμεις ασφαλείας --- λιμενική αστυνομία --- αγροφυλακή --- fuerzas de orden público --- státní policie --- trestné právo --- prawo karne --- baudžiamoji teisė --- diritto penale --- наказателно право --- büntetőjog --- dlí coiriúil --- kriminaalõigus --- kazensko pravo --- Strafrecht --- drept penal --- strafrecht --- Derecho penal --- strafferet --- krimināllikums --- dritt kriminali --- straffrätt --- kazneno pravo --- ποινικό δίκαιο --- direito penal --- кривично право --- criminal law --- e drejtë penale --- trestní právo --- rikosoikeus --- кривичен закон --- казнено право --- krimināltiesības --- kriminaalkoodeks --- trestní právo hmotné --- criminal code --- trestný kódex --- diritto criminale --- direito criminal --- kriminalret --- droit criminel --- crimineel recht --- karistusõigus --- Derecho criminal --- Europese Unie --- Europska unija --- União Europeia --- Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση --- Európska únia --- Európai Unió --- Europäische Union --- Europos Sąjunga --- Evropská unie --- Европска унија --- Unjoni Ewropea --- Европейски съюз --- Europeiska unionen --- Euroopan unioni --- Eiropas Savienība --- Unión Europea --- Evropska unija --- Unia Europejska --- Unione europea --- Uniunea Europeană --- Den Europæiske Union --- Европска Унија --- Euroopa Liit --- an tAontas Eorpach --- Bashkimi Europian --- Sąjungos institucija --- Sąjungos teisė --- právo Únie --- νόμος της Ένωσης --- Savienības tiesības --- wet van de Unie --- legge dell'Unione --- Europæisk Union --- unionslagstiftning --- atto dell'Unione --- AE --- loi de l'Union --- EU --- e drejta e Bashkimit --- ЕУ --- lege a Uniunii Europene --- Union law --- europe --- politique de sécurité --- accords douaniers --- justice --- histoire --- grenzen --- E-books --- Judicial assistance --- Assistance juridique internationale --- International cooperation. --- Coopération internationale --- póilíní --- Union européenne --- Droit pénal

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